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About Charmaine (The Good One)

Everybody has psychic abilities, it is freely given. Our mind is not all our own,,, Our loved ones passed over talk to us and help us on our path. Anything negative is not them, it is the /Darkside telling you your problems, to make you sick. Given from the other side, are Music, everybody in the Entertainment Industry is psychic...Inventions, Books, Movies, acting, and help with Relationships to find true love, and your career, and Business...This is the secret side to success...Given freely.

I, Charmaine have books channeled by God, a Hydrogen Car, to pull off, Music, and many other businesses, all freely given to me. Ask you're Angels to make themselves known and they will.   Depending on your Teachings in life, and path. With my package comes a CD "Especially for you CD" It's about my Spiritual Courtship with an Entertainer, who helped me on my path, and dried my tears.

The New Age Bible, is my Story of what truly goes, on being a Psychic. Jealous psychics casting spells, Living in a Haunted House, for 25 yrs, a Hydrogen Car, and Music to pull off, and it also has my Teachings, and Readings, and how they panned out over the years.

You work out the Angels and God for yourself, through my life story and works. The New Age Bible tells you, it all.


This is your online guide or e-book description. Concisely describe the content included and make sure to highlight your contact details for further questions and remarks.


Good to Know

Clairvoyants Manual, channelled by God (Aliza)

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Clairvotant Manual The Story

Protection From The Dark Side

The-New-Age-Bible-2 The Wolf Book

The New Age Bible, The Story (2007 - 2014)

The New Age Bible book 1 The teachings

Haunted Houses, Getting Rid of Demons, Help the Possessed, Undoing Spells, Protection from Spells, What to say before you do a Reading to get to a Higher Level, How to get some body to Read you from a Distance, and still have Respect in tack. Warriors, How to Pray, How to make your Dreams Come true in Love and Career. Crystals. Meditation. Cleansing Tecniques for Home and Body. Ect Every Thing you need to Know to become a Great Medium (Psychic).

The New Age Bible Clairvoyant Manual...Wolf ( Universal)

Undoing Spells, and protection from Spells, The Possessed, How to Pray. Protection From Demons.

Manual.  Tablet. $350
Printed.  $450


Manual.  Tablet. $350
Printed.  $450


Story.  $800.  Printed


The New Age Bible's, the Story
Book 1, 2, 3, and 4

The New Age Bible
The Story (2018-2023)

The New Age Bible The story My Teachings

You work out God, his Angels and all those Psychics for your self through my life Story


This book, has a lot of my Teachings in it, and how to deal with your Angels if they are not treating you right....How to defend yourself? It someone wants to kill you? And, has a lot of Music

Also, the book has Readings, to an Entertainer that I have been Courting Spiritually for 30 yrs, up to 2020


Story.  $800.  Printed


How to win, Lottery Prize Winnings Karmically

How-Win-Lottery-Karmically The Lottery Book

If someone has done you wrong or owes you? This is how you take them Karmically to win Compensation and receive payments in Prize Winnings......This is how they all do it on the other side......? No prize winning is accidental......It is all owed to you for good deeds or someone owes you......? Channelled By God, Aliza.....

Lottery.   $200.   Printed
Tablet $130


You work out God, his Angels and all those Psychics for your self through my life Story

Mostly, about, how I tired to pull off the Hydrogen Car? And, Readings to a Musician, who I want to do my Music....that I receive Spiritually, from Elvis Presley...and others....?

The Complete Guide To Spell Protection

SpellProtectionCoverMid The Complete Spell Protection book

Learn Spell protection techniques that clairvoyant psychic mediums use to ward against wrong doers and evil.

Spell Protection   $200.   Printed
Tablet $130


My Daily Prayers

My_Daily_Prayers The daily prayers

The Basics of what you need to do each day to become successful in love and Business, and how to do Readings

My Daily Healings


Added to the package, the Especially for you CD.

List of Song Click Here to Download.

My Book

The New Age Bible's, the Story
Book 1, 2, 3, and 4

Postage And Handling (Free for Australia)

$70 Overseas for Story's
$30 Overseas Single Book

Payment Via Bank Transfer

BSB : 484 799
Account : 027 869 487


610 Darcy Road Carina Brisbane 4152

(+61) 0411 839 534

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